"LG MS 033 Dawn Fortune Papers Finding Aid" by Christina E. Walker

Document Type


Publication Date



Dawn Fortune, GASPP, Gay and Straight People’s Political Alliance, University of Maine at Farmington, UMF, Equal Rights For All, EFRA, LGBT Activism, Winslow Maine, Sisters Bar Portland Maine



Dawn Fortune revitalized the Gay-Straight People's Alliance and ran the student newspaper at theUniversity of Maine at Farmington in the early 1990s. The Papers contains photographs and contactsheets, 2 folders of Pride materials, 4 VHS videos of programs/events by GASPP, a Central Maine Needs Assessment of LGBT teens compiled in 1996 by Fortune for the group Equal Rights For All (ERFA), and an essay Fortune wrote in 1988 entitled 'AIDS kills.'

Date Range:


Size of Collection:

1 ft.



The materials were donated by Dawn Fortune on June 18, 2010.

Ownership and Literary Rights:

The Dawn Fortune Papers are the physical property of the University of Southern Maine Libraries. Literary rights, including copyright, belong to the creator or his/her legal heirs and assigns. For further information, consult the Head of Special Collections.

For further information, consult the Head of Special Collections, susie.bock@maine.edu



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