"LG MS 020 Equal Protection/Portland Archives Finding Aid" by Maeve Wachowicz


Maeve Wachowicz

Document Type


Publication Date



Equal Protection/Portland, EP/P, Anti-Discrimination Law, Sexual Orientation, Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation, Human Rights Ordinance, City Ordinance, Portland Human Rights Ordinance 1992, Oregon Ballot Measure Number 9



Equal Protection/Portland (EP/P) was a volunteer organization formed in Portland, Maine in 1992 that campaigned to uphold a Human Rights Ordinance passed by Portland’s City Council. Ultimately the ordinance was upheld in a referendum vote on November 3, 1992. That year was contentious for LGBT issues around the country and gay rights figured prominently in a presidential election for the first time in the race between Bill Clinton and George Bush. The Archives contains EP/P administrative files and campaign materials, such as flyers, brochures, press releases, survey results, audio recordings, and a bus banner. Articles reflecting national attention to the campaign from publications such as the New York Times and Newsweek magazine are included along with other pertinent articles from 1992. Information about other ordinance and amendment campaigns in the states of Florida, Colorado, and Oregon in 1992, which helped inform EP/P’s campaign, are also included.

Date Range:


Size of Collection:

7 ft.



Equal Protection/Portland Archives was donated in 2010 by Bob Gordon, the canvassing coordinator of EP/P. The Bus banner (Series 2) was given by Mike Blanchard.

Ownership and Literary Rights:

Equal Protection/Portland is the physical property of the University of Southern Maine Libraries. Literary rights, including copyright, belong to the creator or her/his legal heirs and assigns.

For further information, consult the Head of Special Collections, susie.bock@maine.edu



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