"LG MS 018 Maine Won’t Discriminate Archives Finding Aid" by Karin A. France


Karin A. France

Document Type


Publication Date



Maine Won't Discriminate, MWD, 2005 Referendum Question 1, Question 1, Maine Elections, 2005 Election, Anti-Discrimination Law, Sexual Orientation, Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation, Maine Lesbian/Gay Political Alliance, Maine Freedom to Marry Coalition, Safer School Coalition of Maine, and Maine’s Law Enforcement Curriculum Committee Discrimination, 1995 Question 1, 1998 Question 1, Same-Sex Marriage/Domestic Partnership Laws



Maine Won't Discriminate (MWD) was an organization created to work toward passing LGBT civil rights legislation in Maine and to advocate against/for citizens referenda that would have overturned/sustained such legislation. The Archives contains organizational records as well as print and audiovisual material created and used by the organization. The majority of the materials relate to MWD’s ultimately successful efforts to oppose referendum Question 1 in 2005, which read: “Do you want to reject the new law that would protect people from discrimination in employment, housing, education, public accommodations and credit based on their sexual orientation?” The materials include polling data, strategy documents and action plans, details regarding direct mail campaigns and special events, press clippings, statements of support and testimonials, media plans, correspondence, meeting notes, website plans, and other internal documents. Also present are similar materials related to referendum battles in 1995 and 1997-98, as well as materials regarding L.D. 1116 (1997), L.D. 1196 (2005), and other activities during the period of 1996-99, such as elections during this time, debate over same-sex marriages/domestic partnerships, and collaborations with other groups like the Maine Lesbian/Gay Political Alliance, Maine Freedom to Marry Coalition, Safer School Coalition of Maine, and Maine’s Law Enforcement Curriculum Committee.

Date Range:


Size of Collection:

7 ft.



The materials came from four sources/donations: an original gift from Maine Won’t Discriminate (MWD) itself in 2005; a 2008 gift from Karen Geraghty (1995 MLGPA liaison to MWD; 1998 MWD participant; and 2005 Development and Finance Team member); a 2008 gift from Susan Koen (2005 Steering Committee and Coalition-Building and Field Organization Team member, Team Brunswick Get Out the Vote (GOTV) Director); and parts of a 2002 contribution and supplemental 2010 gift from Dan Stevens (1995 Chair, Capitol Area Chapter of MWD and 1998 MWD participant).

Ownership and Literary Rights:

The Maine Won’t Discriminate Archives is the physical property of the University of Southern Maine Libraries. Literary rights, including copyright, belong to the creator or her/his legal heirs and assigns.

For further information, consult the Head of Special Collections, susie.bock@maine.edu



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