"LG MS 011 Northern Lambda Nord Archives Finding Aid" by Michelle E. Smith and Kristin Morris

Document Type


Publication Date



Northern Lambda Nord, NLN, Rural LGBT Community, Aroostook County, Maine, New Brunswick, Canada, Gay Lesbian Phonline, Maine HIV/AIDS Hotline, Communiqué, LGBT Groups, Organizational Records, Memorabilia, LGBT Theme Board Games



One of the earliest gay and lesbian groups in the state, NLN began in 1979 as a support network for the rural LGBT community, located in Aroostook County, with members in Maine and New Brunswick. By the mid-1980s, NLN had added an outreach component, working to educate the local community on LGBT identity and acceptance and health and HIV/AIDS issues. They also started a Gay-Lesbian Phoneline which grew into the Maine HIV/AIDS Hotline. The group disbanded in 2000, but re-formed in 2006. The Archives contains an extensive collection of organizational records, promotional materials, photo albums and artifacts.

Date Range:


Size of Collection:

21 ft.



Donated by Dick Harrison in 2005.

Ownership and Literary Rights:

The Northern Lambda Nord Archives is the physical property of the University of Southern Maine Libraries. Literary rights, including copyright, belong to the creator or her/his legal heirs and assigns.

For further information, consult the Head of Special Collections, susie.bock@maine.edu



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