"Investigating the Impact of Mentorship in Leadership Development" by McKenzie V. Roy

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

Dr. Elizabeth Goryunova

Second Advisor

Heidi Boyd


This study investigates the impact of mentorship on leadership development within a large organization. The research provides valuable insights for the organization as a whole; to foster an improved culture and understanding of mentorship for those wanting to grow into leadership roles. While there is a common assumption that mentorship contributes to leadership growth in organizations, a deeper understanding of how specifically mentorship impacts leadership development is needed. Therefore, this study utilizes a qualitative method of inquiry to capture the perspectives of organizational leaders. Investigating the experiences of leaders allows those to gain a deeper understanding of the commonalities in career development and growth. Keywords: mentor, mentee, leadership, leadership development, growth, organization, formal, informal, effective mentorship


Leadership Studies

LOS 689: Master’s Capstone II Dr. Elizabeth Goryunova
