Rebuilding the Foundation of Rural Community Health after COVID-19, John A. Gale MS, Alana Knudson, and Shena Popat
How Did We Get Here? Rural Health Challenges in America [Podcast], Erika C. Ziller PhD and Yvonne Jonk PhD
Assessing the Unintended Consequences of Health Policy on Rural Populations and Places, Keith J. Mueller PhD; Charles Alfero MA; Andrew F. Coburn PhD; Jennifer P. Lundblad PhD, MBA; A. Clinton MacKinney MD, MS; Timothy D. McBride PhD; and Paula Weigel PhD
Rural Health Clinic Participation in the Merit-Based Incentive System and Other Quality Reporting Initiatives: Challenges and Opportunities, John A. Gale MS, Zachariah T. Croll MPH, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Innovations in Rural Health System Development: Federally Qualified Health Center Initiatives, Sara Kahn-Troster MPH, Amanda Burgess MPPM, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Knowledge of Health Insurance Concepts and the Affordable Care Act among Rural Residents, Erika C. Ziller PhD
After Closure: Options for Pursuing a High Performance Rural Health System, Andrew F. Coburn PhD
The Role of Public versus Private Health Insurance in Ensuring Health Care Access & Affordability for Low-Income Rural Children, Erika C. Ziller PhD, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, and Amanda Burgess MPPM
Innovations in Rural Health System Development: Recruiting and Retaining Maine's Health Care Workforce, Amanda Burgess MPPM and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Innovations in Rural Health System Development: Service Delivery Advances in Care Coordination, Emergency Care, and Telehealth, Amanda Burgess MPPM and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Innovations in Rural Health System Development: Maine's Behavioral Health Services, Amanda Burgess MPPM and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Innovations in Rural Health System Development: Moving Rural Health Systems to Value-based Payment, Sara Kahn-Troster MPH and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Innovations in Rural Health System Development: Governance, Sara Kahn-Troster MPH and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Rural Adults Delay, Forego, and Strategize to Afford Their Pre-ACA Health Care, Erika C. Ziller PhD, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Rural Implications of Medicaid Expansion under the Affordable Care Act, Erika C. Ziller PhD, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Advancing the Transition to a High Performance Rural Health System, Charles Alfero MA; Andrew F. Coburn PhD; Jennifer P. Lundblad PhD, MBA; A. Clinton MacKinney MD, MS; Timothy D. McBride PhD; and Keith J. Mueller PhD
Implications of rurality and psychiatric status for diabetic care use among adults with diabetes, Jean A. Talbot PhD, Erika C. Ziller PhD, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, and David Hartley PhD
High Deductible Health Insurance Plans in Rural Areas, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS, Erika C. Ziller PhD, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Rural Considerations in Establishing Network Adequacy Standards for Qualified Health Plans in State and Regional Health Insurance Exchanges, Jean A. Talbot PhD, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, Erika C. Ziller PhD, and Zachariah T. Croll BA
Pursuing High Performance in Rural Health Care, A. Clinton MacKinney MD, MS; Keith J. Mueller PhD; Andrew F. Coburn PhD; Jennifer P. Lundblad PhD, MBA; Timothy D. McBride PhD; and Sidney D. Watson JD
Providing Better Care at Lower Cost: Building Maine's health data infrastructure to support financing and delivery system reform, Andrew F. Coburn PhD
The Cost of Defensive Medicine in the United States, J. William Thomas PhD, Erika C. Ziller PhD, and Deborah Thayer MBA
Health Insurance Profile Indicates Need to Expand Coverage in Rural Areas, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS; Erika C. Ziller PhD; Andrew F. Coburn PhD; and Nathaniel J. Anderson MS, MPH
Private health insurance in rural areas: Challenges and opportunities, Erika C. Ziller PhD and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Rural coverage gaps decline following public health insurance expansions, Erika C. Ziller PhD and Andrew F. Coburn PhD