Lewiston High's Graduating Class Article
Article about Lewiston High School's graduating class of 1943. Madeleine Giguère is mentioned as an honor student.
LHS Junior-Senior Reception Booklet
Lewiston High School
Lewiston High School Junior-Senior prom reception booklet. The prom was held at the Lewiston Armory.
Music by Lloyd Rafnell.
LHS Notes Article
Photocopy of a newspaper article about scholarships and awards given to students from Lewiston High School c. 1943. Madeleine Giguère is noted as receiving one of the University of Maine's best scholarships.
Madeleine Giguère Youth Portrait 2
Franco-American Collection
Portrait of young Madeleine Giguère ca. 1943.
"Ode 1943" Sheet Music
Barbara Bartlett and Phyllis Barron
Sheet music titled "Ode 1943". Written and performed by Barbara Bartlett and Phyllis Barron.
Cercles St. Pierre, St. Paul Certificate
St. Pierre and St. Paul
Certificate granted to Madeleine Giguère from Cercles St. Pierre and St. Paul
Lewiston High School 1942
Lewiston Sun Journal
Photograph of four Lewiston High School students from 1942.
Left to right: Madeleine Giguère, Star Scully, Gwendolyn Bramson, Barbara Varney
Lewiston High School Senior Play
Eugene St. Pierre
Photograph of the cast of the Lewiston High School senior play. Photograph taken by Eugene St. Pierre.
In this photo:
Clement Hiebert
Tony Lidrakos
Madeleine Giguère
Jackie Coventry
Barbara Bartlett
Ronaldo Roux
Gilles Morin -
Photograph of Madeleine Giguère and Cecilia Butler
Photograph of Madeleine Giguère and Cecilia Butler c. 1942.
Giguère Speech to S.S. Peter and Paul Guilds
Madeleine Giguère
A speech by Madeleine Giguere c. 1940.
Unidentified Relatives of Madeleine Giguère Photograph
Photograph depicting unidentified relatives of Madeleine Giguère c. 1940.
Dimensions: 8" x 10" -
Young Madeleine Giguère Portfolio Photograph
Dora C. Tash
Young Madeleine Giguère photograph in portfolio. Photograph by Dora Clark Tash, Lewiston, Maine, c. 1940.
Dimensions: Portfolio: 7" x 10"
Photograph: 5" x 7.5" -
"Cecilia M. Butler Honored by Freshman Class" and "Honor Students at Lewiston High School" Articles
Photocopies of two article clippings c. 1939:
Cecilia M Butler Honored by Freshman Class
Article describes honors given to Cecilia M. Butler
Honor Students at Lewiston High School
Article lists honors students with mention of Madeleine Giguère and Cecilia M. Butler.
Communion-Breakfast Program for Guilds Article
Photocopy of a newspaper clipping about Madeleine Giguère giving a toast at the communion of St. Peter and St. Paul's Guilds at the Lewiston parochial school.
Jordan School 8th Grade Honor Students
Lewiston Sun Journal
Photograph of 8th grade honor students at the Jordan School, 1939.
Jordan School 8th Grade Honor Students
8th grade honor students at the Jordan School, 1939.
Back of photo:
1st row: Caroline Hiscock, M.D.G., Cecilia Butler, Jackie Coventry, Charlotte Grant, Shirley Isaacson, Pauline Kovanough, Phyllis Barron, Barbara Bartlett
2nd row: Robert Meliar, Clement Herbert, Shirley Maynard, Louis Palman, Manuel Plauin
Last Day of School Article
Newspaper clipping with photograph and description titled "Last Day of School" at the Jordan School, Lewiston, Maine.
Lewiston High School Football Schedule 1939
Lewiston High School
Lewiston High football schedule from 1939 with the note "won all games". Advertisements for Wilson Sporting Goods and Hayes' Diner on back of card.
Lewiston High School Freshman Class
Lewiston Sun Journal
Lewiston High School freshman class c. 1939.
Text on back of photo:
Joseph Mahon, Adrienne Cote, Cecilia Butler, Madeleine Giguère, Mary Crowley, Robert Maliar
Lewiston Sun Journal News Picture NOT to be used in any other newspaper
Sold on this Condition
Lewiston High School Students Madeleine Giguère, Cecilia Butler, and Mary Theresa Crowley
Photocopy of a newspaper clipping with profiles for Madeleine Giguère, Cecilia Butler, and Mary Theresa Crowley, from their sophomore year at Lewiston High School ca. 1939.
LHS Freshman Class Officers and Advisor Article
Lewiston Evening Journal
Newspaper clipping from Lewiston Evening Journal about Freshman class officers and the advisor c. 1939. Mention of Madeleine Giguère as secretary and Cecilia Butler as class president.
Madeleine Giguère Youth Portrait 2
Franco American Collection
Portrait of Madeleine Giguère ca. 1939.
Photograph of Madeleine Giguère
Underwood & Underwood
Photograph proof of Madeleine Giguère, c.1939, by Underwood & Underwood, New York.
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