Urban Immersion: A Prototypical Early Clinical Immersion Experience

Urban Immersion: A Prototypical Early Clinical Immersion Experience


Document Type

Book Chapter


Chapter 3 in Recruiting, Preparing and Retaining Teachers for Urban Schools, edited by Kenneth R. Howey, Linda M. Post, and Nancy L. Zimpher.

Book description:

How can the "revolving door" at the nation's high-poverty schools be slowed down? How can diversity be taught in teacher preparation that relates to teaching and learning? How can teachers learn to use the diverse urban classroom as a rich asset? By focusing on reconceptualizing general education studies, addressing key urban understanding and abilities throughout the professional program, implementing multiyear induction programs, and integrating outstanding veteran urban teachers, the authors of this volume take an affirming look at preparing teachers for the complexities of urban teaching. They candidly present lessons from a variety of urban settings for attracting, preparing, and supporting teachers who are both caring and qualified.



Publication Date



American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education


Washington, D.C.


Teacher Effectiveness, Urban Teaching, Preservice Teacher Education, Student Diversity, Consciousness Raising, Urban Schools, Teacher Recruitment, Teaching Conditions, Sociocultural Patterns, Immersion Programs, Partnerships in Education, Reading Teachers, Faculty Development, School Districts, Labor Turnover, Instructional Leadership

Urban Immersion: A Prototypical Early Clinical Immersion Experience
