Light Scattering Studies of the Internal Structure of Emulsion Polymer Particles
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Document Type
Book Chapter
Chapter 17 of Emulsion Polymers and Emulsion Polymerization; edited by David R. Bassett and Alvin E. Hamielec.
Chapter abstract:
Wide angle light scattering is used as the principal probe to examine the core-shell structure proposed for certain acrylic acid acrylate ester copolymer latexes. Additional techniques were sedimentation and photon correlation spectroscopy. The work represents an application of core-shell light scattering theory to polymer latex suspensions and addresses the separate identification of light scattering by dust, latex particles and low molecular weight solutes. Core-Shell Theory and Model The exact electromagnetic scattering theory of the concentric shell model was first solved by Aden and Kerker (1) and shortly thereafter by Güttler (2). The problem has been extensively studied both theoretically and experimentally for aerosols by Kerker and co-workers and is reviewed in Kerker's book (3). The aerosol system had a core of relative refractive index m1=2.105 and a shell of m2=1.482 corresponding to silver chloride coated with linolenic acid. The results indicated that for a smooth variation in the refractive index.
Publication Date
American Chemical Society
Washington, D.C.
Recommended Citation
Ford, J.R., Rowell, R.L., & Bassett, D.R. Light scattering studies of the internal sructure of emulsion polymer particles. In D.R. Bassett, & Hamielec, A.E. Emulsion Polymers and Emulsion Polymerization. ACS Symposium Series Volume 165. (pp. 279-290). Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society.