Wide Angle Light Scattering Investigation of the Internal Structure of Polymer Latexes

Wide Angle Light Scattering Investigation of the Internal Structure of Polymer Latexes


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Book Chapter


Chapter 2 of Polymer Colloids II; edited by Robert M. Fitch.

Chapter abstract:

A new apparatus has been developed for the measurement of wide-angle and low-angle scattering from colloidal suspensions. The in strument employs an argon ion laser source, single photon counting detection, data acquisition by minicomputer and has an easily accessible angular resolution of 0.6°. The accuracy of the light scattering apparatus along with the reliability of the data-inversion procedure has been tested by comparison of measurements on a standard polystyrene latex by four independent methods on the same sample as well as comparison with numerous reports in the literature. An improvement of the inversion procedure of Rowell and Levit has been used in a double blind analysis of a control latex with no shell structure and the subject latex of pH-dependent shell structure. Both control and subject latex were analyzed using both homogeneous sphere theory and concentric sphere theory. The results conclusively established the existence of a concentric-shell structured latex and were in agreement with an independent study of the system by sedimentation methods, which is reported elsewhere in this book.

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"PolymerLatex, Roundoff Error, Homogeneous Sphere, Sphere Theory, Relative Refractive Index



Wide Angle Light Scattering Investigation of the Internal Structure of Polymer Latexes
