Reviews of Instructional Software in Scholarly Journals : A Selected Bibliography
Document Type
This bibliography lists reviews of more than 100 instructional software packages, which are arranged alphabetically by discipline. Information provided for each entry includes the topical emphasis, type of software (i.e., simulation, tutorial, analysis tool, test generator, database, writing tool, drill, plotting tool, videodisc), the journal citation of the review, the name and institutional affiliation of the author of the review, the length of the review, and the copyright-holding agency. Subject areas represented by the reviews include biology, chemistry, economics, education, engineering, English composition and literature, geology, history, foreign languages, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, physics, and psychology.
Publication Date
Dartmouth College Humanities Computing
Hanover, NH
Computer Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Recommended Citation
Bantz, D.A., Wykes, P., & Millichap, N. (1989). (ED319386). Reviews of instructional software in scholarly journals: A selected bibliography. Hanover, N.H.: Dartmouth College Humanities Computing.
* This book is listed in WorldCat and lists more bibliographical information.