"La Chanson des Coqs"
Louis-Philippe Gagné
"La Chanson des Coqs" written in French and signed by Louis-Philippe Gagné.
Letter to the Editor
Louis-Philippe Gagné
Letter to the editor written by Louis-Philippe Gagné, which he titles "Mr. Gagné, Again."
Le Messager Clipping "Le Sextuor Gagné"
Le Messager
Photo within "Le Messager" newspaper of Louis-Philippe Gagné with his family on WCOU in Lewiston, Maine.
Musical Litteraire Club Card, Ann's
Musical Litteraire Club
A club card written "Musical Litteraire Club" with "Ann's" printed on the bottom.
Hand-Written Note from Married Couple
Note stating "with best wishes" and signed from a married couple.
Appreciation Note to Louis-Philippe Gagné
Appreciation note to Louis-Philippe Gagné from an unknown source.
Conducting Model City Government Article
May 28, this article discusses Louis-Philippe Gagné inauguration speech, and how Lewiston's municipal government is a "model city government."
L'Actualite Newspaper Clipping
Photocopy of a newspaper clipping from L'Actualite about Louis-Philippe Gagné.
L’Oeil Article on Franco-Americans Featuring Louis-Philippe Gagné
L’Oeil news article written about Franco-Americans featuring Louis-Philippe Gagné.
"Extrait de lemission de L.P. Gagné" and "Support the Mayor" News Clippings
Le Messager
March 31, 1960, Le Messager article "Extrait de l'emission de L.P. Gagné le 26 marz" news article in French.
Also included:
"Support the mayor" news article in English encouraging people to support Louis-Philippe Gagné.
La Patrie Article
La Patrie
February 7, 1954, newspaper article featuring Louis-Philippe Gagné in La Patrie.
Le Travailler Newspaper Article
Le Travailler
April 24, 1949, newspaper article titled "Le roman de Lewiston" from Le Travailler.
En Glanant
Louis-Philippe Gagné
Newspaper article written in French and signed by Louis-Philippe Gagné.
La Justice Article on Louis-Philippe Gagné
La Justice
March 30, 1930, article on Louis-Philippe Gagné, Chez Nous from La Justice.
The Lewiston Daily Sun News Article
The Lewiston Daily Sun
October 24, 1929, Lewiston Daily Sun newspaper article about Louis-Philippe Gagné leaving the democratic party.
Newspaper Article Featuring Louis-Philippe Gagné
October 31, 1925, newspaper article written in French featuring Louis-Philippe Gagné.
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