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Louis-Philippe Gagné (1922-1964) moved to Lewiston from Québec City in 1922, and became editor of Le Messager, having worked for Le Soleil in Québec since 1917. He gained US Citizenship in 1928, ran as a ward clerk in 1928, was a member of the school committee from 1930-1934 and Mayor of Lewiston 1947-1949. He founded the Snowshoe movement in the United States, and was first president of the Union Américain des Raquetteurs. As a radio host, he presented L’Oeil et Son Autueur on local station WCOU (q.v.). He founded Le Club Montagnard and Les Vigilants, and was a member of The Union St. Jean Baptiste, the Societé Des Artisans, and L’Assomption.

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Sports, Snowshoeing, Politics, Lewiston, Maine, Immigration, Le Messager, WWII, Veterans


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Property Rights: Owned by Franco-American Collection.

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