"Janelle-Paradis Papers Finding Aid" by Franco-American Collection



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Adelard Tarcisius Janelle (1889-1984) was born in Greene, Maine. At the age of 7, his family moved to Lewiston. At 16, he became a member of the Association St. Dominique, which had been founded by his father, William Janelle. At 18, he became a member of the Union St. Jean-Baptiste’s Lewiston chapter (Conseil 159), of which he was president from 1913-1916 and a board member from 1907-1946. He was also involved with other Franco organizations. Janelle played an important role in fundraising for the Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul and was known as the unofficial ‘city historian’ for many years. In 1981, he was honored by the Centre D’Héritage for his efforts.

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SS Peter & Paul, Lewiston, Association St. Dominique, Union St. Jean-Baptiste


Access: No Restrictions

Property Rights: Owned by Franco-American Collection.

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