Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation

Degree Name

Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)



First Advisor

Rachel Brown PhD

Second Advisor

Kristina Andren PsyD

Third Advisor

Steve Goodman PhD


Praise ratios, motivational consultation, performance feedback, PsyD


Teachers’ ratios of positive-to-negative interactions (praise ratios) have been shown to be responsive to instruction and feedback. Likewise, students have demonstrated improvements on multiple dimensions of academic and behavioral outcome measures as a result of increases in teachers’ use of praise. The present study investigates the impact of motivational consultation combined with performance feedback and instruction on the praise ratios of teachers in a general education setting. This research examines the impact of increased praise ratios on the silent reading comprehension of students as measured by curriculum-based measures. The impact of increased praise ratios on students’ subjective well-being at school is also examined. While teachers’ praise ratios did not reach the goal of 5:1, students’ scores on a measure of subjective well-being were significantly impacted by the gains that the teachers made.
