The Criminology Department at the University of Southern Maine is known locally, nationally, and internationally for its critical perspectives and published research on criminological theory, gender, multiculturalism, and green criminology.

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Publications from 2020


Wildlife Trade and COVID-19: Towards a Criminology of Anthropogenic Pathogen Spillover, Piers Beirne PhD

Publications from 2019


Animals, Women and Terms of Abuse: Towards a Cultural Etymology of Con(e)y, Cunny, Cunt and C*nt, Piers Beirne PhD


Introduction: Balkan Transnationalism at the Time of Neoliberal Catastrophe, Dušan I. Bjelić PhD


Visualizing Feminized International Migration Flows in the 1990s, Diego F. Leal PhD, Ragini Malhotra PhD, and Joya Misra PhD


The Salience of "Hegemonic Masculinity", James Messerschmidt PhD

Publications from 2018


Raw, roast or half-baked? Hogarth’s beef in Calais Gate, Piers Beirne PhD


Osama Bin Laden and His Jihadist Global Hegemonic Masculinity, James W. Messerschmidt PhD

Gender Reckonings: New Social Theory and Research, James W. Messerschmidt, Patricia Yancey Martin, Michael A. Messner, and Raewyn Connell

Books from 2017

Intoxication, Modernity, and Colonialism: Freud’s Industrial Unconscious, Benjamin’s Hashish Mimesis, Dušan I. Bjelić Ph.D.

Publications from 2016


Gender and Reproductive Labor Migration in Asia, 1960–2000, Joya Misra PhD, Ragini Malhotra PhD, and Diego F. Leal PhD

Books from 2013

Crime as Structured Action: Doing Masculinities, Race, Class, Sexuality, and Crime, James Messerschmidt

Publications from 2009


Immigrants as the Enemy: Psychoanalysis and the Balkans' Self-Orientalization, Dušan I. Bjelić PhD


The Balkans: Radical Conservatism and Desire, Dušan I. Bjelić PhD

Publications from 2004


From Animal Abuse to Interhuman Violence? A Critical Review of the Progression Thesis, Piers Beirne

Publications from 2002


Criminology and Animal Studies: A Sociological View, Piers Beirne

Publications from 2001


Horse Maiming in the English Countryside: Moral Panic, Human Deviance, and the Social Construction of Victimhood, Roger Yates, Chris Powell, and Piers Beirne