Personal Autonomic Computing ReflexReactions and Self-Healing

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IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews)


The overall goal of this research is to improve theself-awareness and environment-awareness aspect of personal au-tonomic computing (PAC) to facilitate self-managing capabilitiessuch as self-healing. Personal computing offers unique challengesfor self-management due to its multiequipment, multisituation, andmultiuser nature. The aim is to develop a support architecture formultiplatform working, based on autonomic computing conceptsand techniques. Of particular interest is collaboration among per-sonal systems to take a shared responsibility for self-awareness andenvironment awareness. Concepts mirroring human mechanisms,such as reflex reactions and the use ofvital signsto assess oper-ational health, are used in designing and implementing the PACarchitecture. As proof of concept, this was implemented as a self-healing tool utilizing a pulse monitor and a vital signs health moni-tor within the autonomic manager. This type of functionality opensnew opportunities to provide self-configuring, self-optimizing, andself-protecting, as well as self-healing autonomic capabilities topersonal computing.
