OMEVAC – Open Mobile Electronic Vaccine Trials, an interdisciplinary project to improve quality of vaccine trials in low-resource settings

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Emerging international standards and regulations will in few years require complete electronic systems for management of vaccine trials. Clinical trials conducted in low-income countries need to have the same level of quality and reliability as comparable studies conducted in high-income countries.

This will require data collection and management systems specifically designed and developed for these settings. Research data in low-resource settings are currently mostly collected on paper forms, a process which is susceptible to errors and inefficiency. The lack of control and compliancy to study protocol is a great challenge.

To solve this and related problems we will replace the paper based process with a completely digitized mobile system for conducting clinical trials based on EpiHandy and R. Researcher and field workers will use handheld computers and directly enter the collected information. This will drastically reduce the logistical challenges related to paper handling and digitization.


Proceedings of M4D 2008, Karlstad University, Sweden
