Identifying Rural Health Clinics Within the Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information System (T-MSIS) Analytic Files, Katherine Ahrens MPH, PhD; Zachariah Croll; Yvonne Jonk PhD; John Gale MS; and Heidi O'Connor MS
Community Characteristics and Financial and Operational Performance of Rural Health Clinics in the United States: A Chartbook, John Gale MS, Zachariah Croll MPH, Jamar Croom MS, Louisa Munk MPH, and Yvonne Jonk PhD
Provision of Mental Health Services by Critical Access Hospital-Based Rural Health Clinics, John A. Gale MS; Zachariah T. Croll MPH; Nathan First LCSW, MSW, MA; and Sara Kahn-Troster MPH
Rural Health Clinic Costs and Medicare Reimbursement, John A. Gale MS, Zachariah T. Croll MPH, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Rural Health Clinic Participation in the Merit-Based Incentive System and Other Quality Reporting Initiatives: Challenges and Opportunities, John A. Gale MS, Zachariah T. Croll MPH, and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Pilot testing a Rural Health Clinic quality measurement reporting system, John A. Gale MS; Anush Yousefian Hansen MS,MA; David Hartley PhD, MHA; and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Adoption and Use of Electronic Health Records by Rural Health Clinics: Results of a National Survey [Working Paper], John A. Gale MS; Zachariah T. Croll MPH; and David Hartley PhD, MHA
Adoption and Use of Electronic Health Records by Rural Health Clinics: Results of a National Survey [Policy Brief], John A. Gale MS; Zachariah T. Croll MPH; and David Hartley PhD, MHA
Rural Health Clinic Readiness for Patient-Centered Medical Home Recognition: Preparing for the Evolving Healthcare Marketplace [Working Paper], John A. Gale MS; Zachariah T. Croll MPH; and David Hartley PhD, MHA
Rural Health Clinic Readiness for Patient-Centered Medical Home Recognition: Preparing for the Evolving Healthcare Marketplace [Policy Brief], John A. Gale MS; Zachariah T. Croll MPH; David Hartley PhD, MHA; and Andrew F. Coburn PhD
Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Record by Rural Health Clinics [Policy Brief], John A. Gale MS; David Hartley PhD, MHA; and Zachariah T. Croll MPH
Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Record by Rural Health Clinics [Working Paper], John A. Gale MS; David Hartley PhD, MHA; and Zachariah T. Croll MPH
Are Rural Health Clinics Part of the Rural Safety Net?, David Hartley PhD, MHA; John A. Gale MS; Al Leighton BA; and Stuart Bratesman MPP
Safety Net Activities of Independent Rural Health Clinics, David Hartley PhD, MHA; John A. Gale MS; Al Leighton BA; and Stuart Bratesman MPP
The Provision of Mental Health Services by Rural Health Clinics, John A. Gale MS; Stephanie L. Loux MS; Barbara Shaw JD; and David Hartley PhD, MHA
Encouraging Rural Health Clinics to Provide Mental Health Services: What are the options?, John A. Gale MS; Stephanie L. Loux MS; Barbara Shaw JD; and David Hartley PhD, MHA
The Characteristics and Roles of Rural Health Clinics in the United States: A Chartbook, John A. Gale and Andrew F. Coburn