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This report documents results of a pilot project generously funded by the University of Maine system through the Research Reinvestment Fund. The work used a new tool created by the Maine Department of Transportation and evaluated its potential use for municipal governments. The tool assembles information about several types of risk to infrastructure project delivery (e.g., bridge and culvert upgrades) and makes it available to field engineers to enhance their design decisions.
The New England Environmental Finance Center tested the tool’s use in Scarborough, Maine and identified several ways public works managers could benefit from information provided by the tool, including to help ensure that resiliency-related goals of the comprehensive plan are more likely to be reflected in the capital investment plan and spending activities. The report discusses goals, achievements, and next steps to continue the work in Phase II. Details are provided on the project launch and implementation including data processing and GIS mapping of municipal data, analysis of local plans, and recommendations made to Scarborough public officials based on the results.
Recommended Citation
New England Environmental Finance Center, "Local Transportation Decisions for a Resilient Future" (2019). Climate Change. 10.