State of the Bay
Every five years Casco Bay Estuary Partnership takes a step back and a close look at the current condition of Casco Bay. This scientific assessment of the health of Casco Bay uses the best available data and includes information on stressors, changes over time, drivers of changes and what all this data means to anyone who works, lives or plays on or near the Bay.
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Maine Healthy Beaches Program: Working Together to Improve Coastal Water Quality (2010 State of the Bay Presentation)
Mark Margerum, Sarah Mosley, and Keri Lindberg
Portland’s Combined Sewer Overflow Remediation Efforts (2010 State of the Bay Presentation)
Brad Roland and Charlene Poulin
Restoring Resilience to Casco Bay’s Shores (2010 State of the Bay Presentation)
Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
The Condition of Casco Bay and Its Watershed (2010 State of the Bay Presentation)
Curtis C. Bohlen PhD
The Maine Rivers Fish Assemblage Assessment: Application to the Presumpscot River in 2006 (2010 State of the Bay Presentation)
Chris O. Yoder, Lon E. Hersha, and Edward T. Rankin