Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Catherine Miller, PhD

Second Advisor

Darryl Currie, PhD

Third Advisor

Rachel Larsen, PhD


Adult female mosquitoes were collected at six sites with differing land-use and

livestock characteristics to characterize populations and bloodmeal habits of the invasive

vector mosquito species, Aedes japonicus in Southern Maine. Mosquitoes were collected

and DNA was extracted for PCR amplification of cytochrome C oxidase I (COi)

mitochondrial DNA for barcoding analysis of vertebrate bloodmeals. A total of 7460

adult female mosquitoes were collected, with 444 being Ae. japonicus (5.6%). This

indicates an established breeding population of Ae. japonicus in Southern Maine. The

rural site adjacent to livestock had the highest yield of total mosquitoes as well as the

catch rate (indiv./day) for both total female mosquitoes and Ae. japonicus. Following

PCR amplification, 192 samples resulted in sequence alignments. Hits from Mammalia,

Amphibia, Actinopterygii, Aves, and Reptilia were identified, with the most abundant

taxa belonging to Mammalia and Amphibia. Avian bloodmeals were identified, including

a sample with a high likelihood of identity as Gallus gallus (Domestic chicken).

Bloodmeal information is important for characterizing the zoonotic epidemiology of

invasive vector mosquito species such as Ae. japonicus.

Included in

Biology Commons



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