"Probation in Maine: Setting the Baseline" by Mark Rubin and Jennifer Dodge

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Cutler, Justice Policy, MSAC


In 2005, the Maine Department of Corrections (MDOC), with support from the National Institute of Corrections, began implementing a series of evidence‐based principles in community corrections with the goal of improving the effectiveness of offender management in the community. This study was conducted to determine the types, extent, and frequencies of adult probation recidivism in Maine before and during the implementation period. The study finds that recidivism rates of offenders who entered probation in 2004, 2005, or 2006 did not change significantly across annual cohorts, but lower risk offenders appeared to have improved outcomes in 2006. Higher risk probationers performed worse over the three year period, as they faced greater supervision and case planning requirements. The study concludes that without sufficient cognitive based therapy services, management’s increased focus on higher risk offenders will only mean increased supervision, and could lead to higher recidivism outcomes.


This report is available on the Maine Statistical Analysis Center Website at: http://muskie.usm.maine.edu/justiceresearch

The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the US Department of Justice or the Maine Department of Corrections.

Funding Organization

This technical report was developed under the auspices of a cooperative agreement (#05C43GJG4) between the University of Southern Maine and National Institute of Corrections. Funding for this report was provided by the National Institute of Corrections and data was collected through a collaborative agreement with the Maine Department of Corrections.



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