"Stalking Crime Trends in Maine, 2007-2011" by Amy Geren, George Shaler MPH et al.

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Cutler, Justice Policy, MSAC


In 2007, the Maine Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) opted to conduct a Maine Crime Victimization Survey (MCVS) because findings from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) could not be analyzed at the state level, particularly because of Maine’s predominantly rural geographic area and its aging population. With support from several statewide governmental agencies, the Maine SAC developed its own crime victimization survey to better understand the nature of criminal victimization in Maine, and to update crime trends and perceptions of crime in Maine. The Muskie School of Public Service (MSPS) staffs the Maine SAC and, as one of the largest public policy centers in the U.S., conducts extensive research activities under state and national partnerships, and has projects in every state in the nation.

In 2011, the MSPS repeated the MCVS to update data from the previous survey. As in 2007, the Maine SAC and the Muskie School’s Survey Research Center obtained over 800 complete surveys from eligible Maine residents and weighted the results based on the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey for Maine and county population distributions from the 2010 census to ensure a representative sample of the statewide population. Data produced from the surveys are assessable by governmental agencies and statewide organizations to advocate for new laws, reduce victimization, and to provide services for victims of crime. This brief provides some in-depth analyses of data collected during the 2007 and 2011 surveys and focuses on stalking crimes. Analyses in the brief represent data with the weights removed and percentages may vary slightly from the full victimization reports.

Funding Organization

This study was produced under the auspices of the State justice Statistics Program, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), Department of Justice (DOJ). Funding for this study was provided by BJS Grant 2012-BJ-CX-K034



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