"2011 Maine Crime Victimization Survey Report: Informing Public Policy " by Mark Rubin, Jennifer Dodge et al.

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Cutler, Justice Policy, MSAC


Executive Summary:

The purpose of the Maine Crime Victimization Survey (MCVS) is to better understand the nature and extent of crime in Maine. This report discusses findings of the 2011 survey and highlights areas of comparison with the original MCVS, which was conducted in 2006.

Many states, including Idaho, Utah, and Minnesota, have conducted state specific crime victimization surveys because the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), a national data source on crime trends, cannot be parsed to the state level. Maine has been and is following this trend to better understand the frequency, characteristics, and consequences of criminal victimization.

This survey complements the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR), which are the only comprehensive data source of reported crime in Maine. UCR data are collected by local law enforcement, and compiled and released by the Maine Department of Public Safety and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for state and national analysis. While the UCR provides information on selected reported crimes and arrests made by law enforcement agencies, it does not provide information about unreported crimes or the characteristics of victims and offenders.


This report is available on the Maine Statistical Analysis Center Website at:

The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Department of Justice.

Funding Organization

The Maine Crime Victimization Survey and Report were conducted under the auspices of the State Justice Statistics Program, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), Department of Justice (DOJ). Funding for this initiative was provided by BJS grant 2010-BJ-CX-K017. Contributions made by STOP Violence Against Women awarded by the Maine Department of Public Safety and the Maine Department of Health and Human Services VOCA grants 2011-WX-AX-0033 and 2011-VA-GX-0060, respectively.



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