"Comparison of Primary Care Received by New Hampshire Medicaid Members " by Kimberley S. Fox MPA

Document Type


Publication Date



Cutler, Population Health and Health Policy


This study was conducted under a sub-contract between the Maine Health Information Center (MHIC) and the Muskie School of Public Service at the University of Southern Maine. This subcontract is part of a larger contract between the MHIC and the State of New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Medicaid Business and Policy, titled New Hampshire Comprehensive Health Care Information System. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the MHIC, New Hampshire DHHS, or the University of Southern Maine.

Funding Organization

The New Hampshire Comprehensive Health Care Information System (NH CHIS) is a joint project between the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services and the New Hampshire Insurance Department.



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