Document Type
Publication Date
Emergency Room Use - Maine, Cutler Institute, Population Health and Health Policy, USM Aging Initiative, Health and Wellness
This study, conducted on behalf of the Emergency Department Use Work Group of the Maine Advisory Council on Health System Development provides an analysis of visits to hospital emergency departments in Maine that took place in 2006. The study relied on two sources of data: a comprehensive file of hospital discharge records provided by the Maine Health Data Organization; and comprehensive claims records for most privately insured residents in Maine and most MaineCare members. The 2006 data used for this analysis pre-dated some of the initiatives undertaken by the Department of Human Services to improve access to primary care and reduce emergency department use among MaineCare members.
Funding Organization
Report funded by a grant from The Maine Health Access Foundation
Recommended Citation
Gray, Carolyn E. MPH; McGuire, Catherine BS; Kilbreth, Beth; and Chitashvili, Tamar, "Analysis of 2006 Maine Emergency Department Use: A Study Conducted on Behalf of the Emergency Department Use Work Group of the Maine Advisory Council on Health System Development" (2009). Population Health & Health Policy. 2.
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Emergency Medicine Commons, Preventive Medicine Commons, Primary Care Commons, Trauma Commons