"Landscape of Maine Patient Safety Activities: A Report to the Dirigo " by Judith B. Tupper DHEd, CHES, CPPS and Carolyn E. Gray MPH

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Cutler, Population Health and Health Policy


The purpose of this report Landscape of Maine Patient Safety Activities is to provide the Maine Quality Forum and the Dirigo Health Agency with baseline information that identifies the scope and depth of current patient safety initiatives in Maine. The State Health Plan identified the need to document the current patient safety efforts and compare Maine’s patient safety efforts to similar efforts in other states.

The landscape review of patient safety activities in Maine includes data collected through three different lenses. First, the team completed an environmental scan of patient safety activities in other states and explored the various configurations of formal organizational patient safety activities. Second, a convenience sample online survey was conducted with Maine healthcare stakeholders to gather specific information about activities and needs for additional efforts. Finally, follow‐up interviews were conducted with key informants to gain a deeper understanding of the Maine landscape of patient safety activity.

Funding Organization

This report was funded by a Cooperative Agreement made on September 1, 2010 by and between the University of Maine System, acting through the University of Southern Maine, and the State of Maine, Dirigo Health Agency, for the purpose of undertaking a project of mutual interest.



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