"Successful Strategies for Extended Learning Opportunities: A Literatur" by Catherine Biddle PhD and Ian M, Mette PhD

Publication Date


Place of Publication

University of Maine, Orono

Document Type



The purpose of this brief is to review the existing literature pertaining to extended learning time (ELT) programs offered outside the regularly scheduled school day during the school year. The literature points to benefits from both in- and out-of-school programs. The analysis presented here is a synthesis of the literature and incorporates important points made in another Maine Education Policy Research Institute (MEPRI) report earlier this year (Doykos, 2015). This work was conducted by faculty from the University of Maine for MEPRI as requested by the Maine State Legislature. The literature review, as presented in this brief, accompanies other ongoing research efforts led by MEPRI to support the developmental needs of K-12 students throughout the State of Maine. As such, this brief is intended to provide a synopsis of literature detailing the need to provide ongoing support of extended learning opportunities to positively impact youth development.
