"Factors Influencing Parents’ Decision to Use Public Pre-K Programs in " by Janet C. Fairman PhD and Mary Ellin Logue EdD

Publication Date


Place of Publication

University of Maine, Orono

Document Type



This report presents the findings of a parent survey conducted in January-February 2016 by the Maine Education Policy Research Institute (MEPRI) at the request of the Maine State Legislature, to investigate barriers to participation in public pre-K programs for four year olds and other factors that influence parents’ decisions to use preschool programs (public or private) or no preschool. The report builds on earlier MEPRI research on preschool programs in Maine conducted through surveys and case study interviews in 2015. Together, the MEPRI data serve to inform state and local decisions about public preschool and specifically the proposed legislation LD 1394 “An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Commission to Strengthen the Adequacy and Equity of Certain Cost Components of the School Funding Formula”.
