"The MaineCare Option for Workers with Disabilities: A Survey of Past a" by Sara T. Salley JD, MPPM and Larry Glantz MSS, MSLP

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Disability and Aging, Cutler Institute, USM Aging Initiative, Policy


This report describes the results of a telephone survey of enrollees in the MaineCare1 Option for Workers with Disabilities.2 The Workers with Disabilities (WWD) Option is a MaineCare eligibility category that provides full MaineCare coverage for working people with disabilities who have countable income up to 250% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) and who do not have unearned income above 100% FPL.3 The purpose of the WWD Option is to encourage people with disabilities to increase their job earnings without fear of losing health coverage.

The Bureau of Elder and Adult Services (BEAS), Maine Department of Human Services, commissioned the survey to find out more about the people who were or ever had been enrolled in the WWD Option. BEAS wanted to know about their work experience, their support services needs (particularly their use of personal assistant services), and their opinions and concerns about receiving health coverage under the WWD Option.


Views and conclusions are the authors' and do not represent official policy of the Maine Department of Human Services or the University of Southern Maine.

Funding Organization

This report was prepared as part of the CHOICES project, Maine's Medicaid Infrastructure Grant, funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services through a grant to the Maine Department of Human Services (grant #P91223/1).



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