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Aging & Disability Resource Center, Maine, Long Term Services and Support, LTSS, Disability and Aging, Cutler Institute, USM Aging Initiative, Policy, Health and Wellness


The primary goal of Maine’s Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) Project was to empower consumers to make informed decisions about long-term services and supports and to streamline access to existing services and supports through an integrated system. With funding from the Administration on Aging to strengthen and expand the number of Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) in the state, all five of the Area Agencies on Aging were committed to becoming and/or strengthening their capacity to be fully functioning ADRCs.

This report provides a summary of the results of consumer satisfaction surveys that were conducted for three years at all five ADRCs. The survey was designed to capture the consumer view of the ADRC services in key domain areas including: visibility/trust; efficiency; responsiveness and effectiveness. Also included is a summary of consumer comments that were shared by those responding to the survey and a summary of lessons learned from the administrators at the ADRCs. Significant accomplishments of the ADRCs were reported as training; providing information, resources, navigation assistance and options counseling to a broad spectrum of aging and disabled adults, along with their caregivers; the ability to expand the ARDC's role into the disability community; and the connection with community providers. Challenges reported included the lack of resources and inability of the State Unit on Aging to be approved to apply for future funding; ongoing operations and expansion as a a fully functioning ADRC without the funding to support the additional work, and the need for updated on-line referral database and the staffing to maintain it.


This report was prepared by the Muskie School of Public Service at the University of Southern Maine for the Office of Aging and Disability Services, Maine Department of Health and Human Services.

Funding Organization

Funding for this report was through cooperative agreement CA-ES-10-223 between the Office of Aging and Disability Services, Maine Department of Human Services and the Muskie School of Public Service at the University of Southern Maine. The cooperative agreement was funded under grant 013-10A-6075-01 ADRC from the Administration for Community Living (ACL), formally the Administration on Aging (AOA).



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