Dick Dinman & George Feltenstein Salute “7 Brides for 7 Brothers” Blu-Ray Debut!
For more than a decade passionate fans of the joyous Oscar-winning once-in-a-lifetime musical classic 7 BRIDES FOR 7 BROTHERS have been waiting for the day when this incomparably original and unique certified masterwork would make it’s debut on 1080p Blu-ray. Well, fans, that day has finally arrived and your producer/host Dick Dinman and his frequent guest Warner Home Video Sr. V.P. of Classic & Theatrical Marketing George Feltenstein celebrate this momentous occasion while George explains the herculean challenges and obstacles he and his dedicated staff faced in ultimately bringing this happiest of all cinema classics to Blu-ray fruition.
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90.9 WMPG FM
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954)
American Film Studies | American Popular Culture | Film and Media Studies | Public Relations and Advertising | Radio
Recommended Citation
Dinman, Dick, "Dick Dinman & George Feltenstein Salute “7 Brides for 7 Brothers” Blu-Ray Debut!" (2018). DVD Classics Corner On The Air. 257.