Series 1: Family - Recordings
Parenting Attitudes and Behaviors: Mr. James Sheppard


Parenting Attitudes and Behaviors: Mr. James Sheppard


Sanela Zukic



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James Sheppard




“My experiences raising children? Well, seeing to it that they attended school and seeing to it that they did their homework. That sort of thing. That's standard I guess; regular stuff, I guess. I don't know how to answer that. Between my wife and I, we saw to it that they did a lot of reading. And we did a lot of traveling. We did a lot of traveling to the Caribbean and South America, and we took them with us. In addition to seeing to it that they did their work at school. And they excelled, especially the one that's a professor now. The youngest one gained. You know, you learn a lot. You don't know anything with your first son; you get better as you have more children. By the time number five was born, we knew exactly how to channel things. And I think that's why he came out number one. With my first son, I didn't learn anything. [laughter] I shouldn't say that; he's the horticulturalist in New York.”




parenting attitudes and behaviors, Black families, Maine


Born: in New York City in 1924

Duration of Residence in Maine: Both his parents immigrated from Antigua in the West Indies to Canada, then they came to the United States in 1923; moved to Maine in 1971)

Parenting Attitudes and Behaviors: Mr. James Sheppard
