Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2019


It has been well established that people with more education live longer, healthier lives and report having higher levels of both eudaimonic and hedonic subject well being. Higher education is also linked with other health benefits, such as having an increased sense of control and learned effectiveness, having more ambition, finding more satisfaction in their jobs, living situations, communities, families, and having more autonomy. Having a more educated population could translate into better decisions being made throughout our social structures, which in turn could lead us to progressing towards a more functional, healthier, and happier society. Although, the benefits of higher education are undeniable, the increasing costs associated with high education makes it inaccessible for most of us. This is an issue we need to address. We need to implement programs that would establish higher education as a basic human right.


Also Included:

Opportunity Maine Tax Credit Constituent Letter to Maine Governor Janet Mills

Julian_Moran_Letter2019.pdf (180 kB)
The Opportunity Maine Tax Credit Constituent Letter



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