07/29/2019 OUT cast
Hosts Steve, Stan & Dal talk sheep, carpentry, and feminism with guest Dale McCormick.
Dale was the first openly gay member of the Maine State Legislature, having been elected in 1990 to the first of three terms in the Maine Senate. A Democrat, she represented a largely rural district that included her then-residence in Hallowell. After narrowly losing a congressional bid, she served as state treasurer and as director of the Maine State Housing Authority.
Publication Date
Portland, Maine
Dale McCormick, MLGPA, Maine Lesbian Gay Political Alliance, AIDS, Gay Rights, Gay Rights Legislations, Gay Rights Bill, Gay Rights Maine, Homophobia, Hate Crimes, First Female To Complete a Carpentry Apprenticeship, Women Carpenters, Women Unlimited, Treasurer of the State of Maine, Maine State Senate, Director of the Maine State Housing Authority
Cultural History | Digital Humanities | Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | History | History of Gender | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies | Oral History | Other Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Recommended Citation
WMPG, "07/29/2019 OUT cast" (2019). OUT cast. 27.