OUT cast Maine 12/27/2021
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Tune in to OUT Cast on Monday, December 27 to hear an interview with Alexis Fuller-Wright on “Queer Spirit,” a series of conversations exploring queer life and the power of the Sacred hosted by OUT Cast collective members Marvin Ellison and Tamara Torres McGovern. Rev. Alexis Fuller-Wright, an ordained United Church of Christ pastor, has led congregations in California and New Jersey and currently serves as the Associate Conference Minister serving UCC congregations throughout the Maine Conference. The announcement of her appointment said this about her: “Alexis represents a new generation of leadership, called by the Spirit to bring new life and energy into the church.” Along with her wife Liz, a science writer, Alexis spends her non-working hours chasing after their kids, Nora and Will.
Publication Date
90.9 WMPG FM
Portland, Maine
WMPG, OUTcast Maine, LGBTQ Issues, LGBTQ News, Queer Spirit
Cultural History | Digital Humanities | Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | History | History of Gender | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies | Oral History | Other Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Recommended Citation
OUT cast Maine, "OUT cast Maine 12/27/2021" (2021). OUT cast. 150.