Map Title
Central and Northern Part of Waterville, Maine. 1895

Waterville, Maine (1895) - hi-res
Publication Date
George E. Norris
C. G. Carleton
57.8 x 75.6 cm
Maine Historic Preservation Commission
Additional Institutional Copies
Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education
American Textile History Museum
Population of City/Town at Time of Publication
Description of City/Town
The visitor to this city, who travels over its broad, level, well-kept, and shady streets, past large and handsome business blocks, and among the many fine residences, with their neatly-kept lawns and gardens, can but be impressed with the beauty and elegance of his surroundings. Waterville is an educational mecca, and as such has that refined air which is peculiar to cities and towns of its class….During the past twenty years the population of the city has been doubled, and each year sees a very material increase in the residents of the city. The thrift of this city is very largely due to its remarkable educational facilities, having a splendid system of public schools, the Coburn Classical Institute, and Colby University….The manufacturing industries of the city are the Lockwood Cotton Mills, the Waterville Iron Works, H. C. Morse Creamery, Noyes & Goddard Stove Works, the Repair Shops of the Maine Central Railroad, and the Sawyer Publishing Company. These furnish employment for fully 2,000 people. Just across the river in Winslow are the large Pulp and Paper Mills of the Hollingsworth & Whitney Company.
Maine and Its Scenic Gems, G.W. Morris, 1897
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Recommended Citation
Courtesy of the Maine Historic Preservation Commission.
Waterville, Kennebec County, Maine, Bird's eye, View, Map