Map Title
Machias, Me. 1896.

Machias, Maine - hi-res
Publication Date
George E. Norris
49.5 x 70.5 cm
Maine Historic Preservation Commission
Additional Institutional Copies
Population of City/Town at Time of Publication
Description of City/Town
Machias, the shire town of Washington County, is situated midway of the south shore of the county, on the Machias River, near its mouth….The water-power of this town consists of a series of falls on the Machias River, at the head of navigation….Vessels of 600 tons receive cargoes within 300 feet of the mills….Within this town are eight saw-mills manufacturing long and short lumber, a sash, blind and door factory, one or more ship-yards, an iron-foundry and machine-shop, two grain-mills, a carding-mill, canned-food factories, carriage-factories, sail-loft, two printing establishments, a tow-boat company, silver mining company, etc.
A Gazetteer of the State of Maine, George J. Varney, 1881, 1886
Historic Newspaper References
Machias Union, July 21, 1896
George Norris of Brockton, Massachusetts is in Machias making a sketch of the town which is to be reproduced in the form of a photogravure about 20 x 24 in size. The work will show the streets, residences, public buildings, mills, etc., in fact presents a picture of the town as if viewed from a high altitude. It is a work that will meet a good demand and will be ready for delivery in a few weeks.
Machias Union, August 11, 1896
Mr. George E. Norris of Brockton, Massachusetts has completed his work of making a paper sketch of Machias and in a short time will be able to present to subscribers a beautiful photogravure picture of the town, striking and correct, every street and building being clearly shown in the range of the plan which is about 21 x 28 inches in size. We are glad that the work is being liberally subscribed for as it is one which will be of special interest to former as well as present residents of the good old ancient town. The price is $2.00 per single copy.
Machias Union, September 8, 1896
Mr. George E. Norris, the artist, announces that the delivery of the photogravure of this town will be made about September 7 to 10. He will remain in town but one day. Consequently, those who have subscribed for the work should arrange for the delivery and payment in case of absence, and those who wish to purchase copies should avail themselves of this opportunity.
Machias Union, September 22, 1896
The picture of Machias delivered to subscribers last week by George E. Norris of Brockton, Massachusetts is accredited to be a fine work. The few remaining copies may be obtained of Lee W. Longfellow at Tarbell & Longfellow’s at the regular price. Order early if you want a copy.
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Recommended Citation
Courtesy of the Maine Historic Preservation Commission.
Machias, Washington County, Maine, Bird's eye, View, Map