Map Title
Dover & Foxcroft. Piscataquis Co Maine 1878.

Dover and Foxcroft, Maine - hi-res
Publication Date
Albert Ruger
Beck & Pauli
J. J. Stoner
40 x 70.5 cm
Maine Historic Preservation Commission
Additional Institutional Copies
Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center at the Boston Public Library
Population of City/Town at Time of Publication
Dover: 1,983 ; Foxcroft: 1,152
Description of City/Town
The Piscataquis River divided the towns of Dover and Foxcroft until they merged in 1922. Dover was first settled in 1803. By the 1830s the waterpower of the Piscataquis River at Dover village had been harnessed to run sawmills, grist mills, and a woolen mill. The textile factory of 1836 gave rise to the town’s woolen industry. Other manufacturing included carriages, boots and shoes, harnesses, trunks, and tin ware. The town became the seat of Piscataquis County in 1838.
Foxcroft was settled in 1806, three years after Dover. Like Dover village, Foxcroft village became a commercial and industrial center, supporting a woolen mill, lumber and grist mills, a door, sash and blind factory, a spool factory, an iron foundry, and a carriage factory.
Historic Newspaper References
Piscataquis Observer, Dover-Foxcroft, April 11, 1878
The Bird’s Eye View of Dover and Foxcroft from Mayo’s Hill looking North, in Lithograph form, has been brought to our office. We are pleased to chronicle the fact that it is a decided success, both in point of accuracy and quality of work. It is not always that our hopes in such matters are realized, but we can cheerfully admit that the lithographer has exceeded his promises and very much improved on the original sketch. We should suppose that many of our citizens having relatives abroad would take advantage of such an opportunity to mail copies of this picture to the absentees, as it can be done at a trifling expense. Every citizen should secure a copy if possible, and preserve it for future years. It will be a source of pleasure to call up old scenes by looking at the Bird’s Eye view of Dover and Foxcroft in 1878. The agent informs us that he has only twenty-five extra views.
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Recommended Citation
Courtesy of the Maine Historic Preservation Commission.
Dover, Foxcroft, Piscataquis County, Maine, Bird's eye, View, Map