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March, 2008, Fishery Interim Summary Series No. 08-03
Publication Date
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Call Number
I 54.20/1:Mo 825/999
BKT, LLS, age and growth, angler survey, regulations
Recommended Citation
Boucher, David P., "Mooselookmeguntic Lake Fishery Management" (2008). Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (IFW). 4.
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Mooselookmeguntic Lake is the largest of the Rangeley Chain of Lakes and supports sport fisheries for wild landlocked salmon and brook trout. These fisheries have been monitored by periodic season-long creel surveys and aerial angler counts since 1981. Growth rates for salmon declined considerably beginning in the late 1990's; brook trout growth also declined during that period but not as dramatically. The decline in fish quality for both species was attributed to a decline in harvest rates resulting from reduced fishing pressure and increased release rates of legal fish by anglers. Salmon regulations were liberalized slightly in 2000 to encourage harvest of smaller fish and improve fish quality. Salmon quality continued to deteriorate, so harvest regulations were further liberalized in 2006 (three salmon daily bag limit; minimum length limit 12 inches; only one may exceed 18 inches). Additional salmon harvest was also encouraged through an educational program involving signage, oral presentations, and written articles.