The Liturgy as Social Performance: Expanding the Definitions
Document Type
Book Chapter
Chapter in The Liturgy of the Medieval Church.
This volume seeks to address the needs of teachers and advanced students who are preparing classes on the Middle Ages or who find themselves confounded in their studies by reference to the various liturgies that were fundamental to the lives of medieval peoples. In a series of essays, scholars of the liturgy examine The Shape of the Liturgical Year, Particular Liturgies, The Physical Setting of the Liturgy, The Liturgy and Books, and Liturgy and the Arts. A concluding essay, which originated in notes left behind by the late C. Clifford Flanigan, seeks to open the field, to examine liturgy within the larger and more inclusive category of ritual. The essays are intended to be introductory but to provide the basic facts and the essential bibliography for further study. They approach particular problems assuming a knowledge of medieval Europe but little expertise in liturgical studies per se.
Publication Date
Medieval Institute Publications
English Language and Literature
Recommended Citation
Ashley, Kathleen, C. Clifford Flanigan, and Pamela Sheingorn. “The Liturgy as Social Performance: Expanding the Definitions” in The Liturgy of the Medieval Church. Ed. Thomas J. Heffernan and E. Ann Matter (Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, 2001; 2 Ed. 2005), pp. 695-714.