Conversations with Nora: A Family's Journey with Alzheimer's

Conversations with Nora: A Family's Journey with Alzheimer's


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Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, Conversations with Nora follows the journey of two sisters, Allison and Louisa, as they each struggle to understand the grip of Alzheimer's on their family. The novel, inspired by a true story, takes the reader from the sisters' first realization that something is wrong with Mother; through her agonizing denial and efforts to thwart the daughters' attempts to care for her; and then plunges the reader along with the entire family into the dark and confusing maze of dementia. The path to finding a place where Mother will be secure and can feel at home is filled with many obstacles, not the least of which are her own fight for independence and a medical system that seems unwilling to help them. Told through the conversations between the eldest daughter Allison and her friend Nora, the healing power of love and caring takes on a fresh meaning. Nora's supportive, patient, and nonjudgmental presence provides a safe place for Allison to move through a raw and painful reality toward healing. In this compelling narrative, Elaine Lohrman - an educator, musician, and author - writes from her heart, offering a story of understanding and encouragement to the many adult children in her generation who face the challenges of caring for elderly parents with dementia.



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Pouvons Publications

Conversations with Nora: A Family's Journey with Alzheimer's

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