Books from the Protestant Reformation
Comentario de la guerra de Alemaã is an important description by one of Charles V's generals of his war against the Protestant league in 1546-1547, when the League was defeated at the battle of Muhlberg. Fine map, views of the battles of Ingolstadt and Muhlberg; view of city of Wittenberg.
In Abtrucke der verwarungs schrifft... the Protestant nobles state their grievances against Charles V, pointing out that in arming against them he is in violation of the oath he gave when elected Holy Roman Emperor.
Johann Friedrich of Saxony and Philipp Landgraf of Hesse accuse Charles V of conspiring with the Pope to suppress the evangelical religion in Bestendige vnd warhafftige verantwortung.
Warhaffte vnd gegründte Meldung vnd Anzeigen der geschwinden... is political satire against Charles V in the form of a dream by Johann Schradin, a Protestant preacher. In the dream, the Emperor has become a vassal of Rome and that Germans are released from their obedience to him. A fine woodcut on the title page shows the poet with heroes of the past such as Arminius and Frederick Barbarossa who were defenders of Germany against Rome.