Items from 2011
A Financial Impact Assessment of LD 1725: Stream Crossings, New England Environmental Finance Center
A Financial Impact Assessment of LD 1725: Stream Crossings Presentation, New England Environmental Finance Center
Items from 2010
Construction Cost Models, Barry Dikeman
Culvert Material Cost Comparison, New England Environmental Finance Center
Items from 2005
Analysis of Per Capita Expenditures of Suburbanizing Communities in Maine, New England Environmental Finance Center
Stormwater Utility Fees: Considerations & Options for Interlocal Stormwater Working Group (ISWG), New England Environmental Finance Center
Items from 2004
Land for Maine's Future Program: Increasing the Return on a Sound Public Investment, Richard Barringer, Hugh Coxe, Jack Kartez, Catherine Reilly, and Jonathan Rubin
Items from 2003
Trust, Collaboration, and Financial Return in Conservation/Development Partnerships, New England Environmental Finance Center