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As part of the ADVANCE initiative, a work environment survey was developed and administered at the end of the fall, 2012 semester to all USM full time tenured and tenure track faculty to assess attitudes and perceptions about a variety of factors impacting their academic careers. The goal of the survey was to develop and share a comprehensive understanding of the status of women STEM and Social Sciences faculty and how USM faculty experience their working environments at the University of Southern Maine. The survey was based on climate surveys from a number of other ADVANCE institutions and assessed multiple constructs of the working climate.

Faculty and faculty administrators across the three campuses were invited by the Provost to complete an anonymous survey assessing perceptions of USM’s academic climate. The survey was administrated by the Muskie School of Public Service, which has expertise in creating and administering on-line surveys and ensuring that the on-line surveys are secure and confidential. This report summarizes those findings and represents a snapshot of the experiences of USM faculty.
