"Haiti: Beauty on Edge" by Jarvis Thanex Louis, Lisa Willey et al.


Spring 2017

Document Type

Poster Session


Environmental Science


Dr. Karen Wilson


During our visit in Haiti in January 2017, we conducted basic water quality testing using a YSI meter and an urban water testing kit. We performed multiple tests in a pond that is used for drinking, laundry, bathing, and watering animals in the remote mountain village of Mahotiere, located in the city of Thomazeau.

Further lab analysis of the samples includes:

Atomic absorbance spectroscopy of the Copper content of the plant material found growing along the edge of the pond

X Ray Fluorescence analysis of the sediment from pond using the bench top method (Thermo Niton XL3T), after the sediment was dried in a 56 degree oven for 24 hours.

Start Date

April 2017



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