"An Outdoor Classroom to Improve the Student Experience and Connect the" by Chelsea Malacara


Spring 4-2015

Document Type

Poster Session


Environmental Science


Robert Sanford


Greenspace, Outdoor classrooms, Environmental Stwardship


An opportunity to learn outdoors unites students to their surroundings and closes the gap between human and nature. Outdoor spaces contribute to ecological literacy and are critical to a well-rounded education. The University of Southern Maine community places emphasis on environmental stewardship through classroom instruction and campus projects. The Gorham campus has 9 acres of wooded area plus unused greenspace. I am proposing the construction of an outdoor classroom. The proposal will include interviews from various stakeholders, a site assessment, and a digital and 3D model of the outdoor classroom that will be created per the Site Planning and Design Handbook (Russ,2012) and to the “design with nature” ideals of Ian McHarg. An outdoor classroom on the Gorham campus will enhance the learning experience, student connection to the community, and add to overall campus landscape and flow.

Start Date

April 2015



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