"Habitat Fragmenta-on in the Sebago Lake Watershed" by Jared Lank


Spring 4-2015

Document Type

Poster Session




Firoozi Pavri


Sebago Lake watershed, Land use - Sebago Lake, Portland Water District


The goal of this research was to evaluate the extent of land use change occurring in the Sebago lake watershed of southern Maine. The primary data set used was Landsat 7 Near Infrared satellite imagery of the region which was analyzed with ESRI’s ArcGIS soQware. Data was clipped to the Portland Water District’s sub watershed shape file and analyzed with the soQware’s image analysis ‘difference’ tool which calculates the differences in pixel values between to raster datasets. The 2013 Landsat reclassifica-on was compared to 1987, 1995 and 2009 reclassifica-ons. NOAA’s Habitat Priority Planner plugin tool was also u-lized in order to create an excel based dataset of sub watersheds most at risk of being degraded. Once all data was compiled, an open access map of the watershed cloropleth map of the risk assessment data was uploaded to Carto DB for public access and future reference by Portland Water District.

Start Date

April 2015



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