"One Bruised Apple" by Stacie McCall Whitaker

Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Call Number

PS3623.H5628 O6 2017

Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



First Advisor

Aaron Hamburger

Second Advisor

Sarah Braunstein

Third Advisor

Justin Tussing


The Quinn Family is always moving, and sixteen-year-old Sadie is determined to find out what they’re running from. In yet another new neighborhood, Sadie is befriended by a group of teens seemingly plagued by the same sense of tragedy that shrouds the Quinn family. Sadie quickly falls for Trenton, a young black man, in a town and family that forbids interracial relationships. As their relationship develops and is ultimately exposed, the Quinn family secrets unravel and Sadie is left questioning all that she thought she knew about herself, her family, and the world.
